Notre-Dame Cathedral

Notre - Dame Cathedral, Paris, France, March 30, 2017

Notre - Dame Cathedral, Paris, France, March 30, 2017


The medieval Catholic cathedral which resides on the Ile De La Cite is a great example of French Gothic Architecture. It is considered one of the early adopters of the flying buttress, an icon of the Gothic style.

The up-lighting on the façade articulates the ornate sculptural work, where in some locations act as column support, while the gargoyles are designed for runoff. The beautiful stone icon was once painted, but over time all color has washed away revealing the natural stone. The perspective emphasizes the symmetry and balance in the façade which is also echoed in the interior. When looking at the elevation there are four distinct tiers, each with an increasing number of apertures, insinuating a sense of lightness as one moves upward.  


Venice Beach Skate Park

Venice Beach Skate Park, August 14, 2015

Venice Beach Skate Park, August 14, 2015


Time stacking is a great way to collapse time into a static image, capturing movement in a single frame. This process helps tell a story in one image. This process can be considered an extension of time-lapse photography.  The photos are taken at the skatepark located along the popular Venice Beach strip.


World Trade Transportation Hub

World Trade Center Transportation Hub, January 28, 2017

World Trade Center Transportation Hub, January 28, 2017


The transit hub designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava in lower Manhattan sits just across from the World Trade Center Memorial and Tower 1. The steel exoskeleton structure consists of a series of ribs, each changing ever so slightly in dimension mimicking ribs on a torso. The asymmetrical structure performs a balancing act between the two halves. The intersection of the two halves embraces an operable skylight also known as the oculus which opens the vast interior space to the outdoors. The stark white color allows the observer to focus on the geometric complexity of the project while also reflecting natural light from the glass infill down into the lower floors.


Sunset on the Hudson

Lower Manhattan, May 24, 206

Lower Manhattan, May 24, 206


Sunsets inherently are spectacular, couple that with the lights from an urban landscape and the colors are magnificent. Long exposure images help add depth to night images, capturing all subtleties in light. Motion becomes washed out and turned into still reflections as seen from the lights reflecting in the water.


Northern Lights

Lake Myvatn, Iceland, December 10, 2015

Lake Myvatn, Iceland, December 10, 2015


Also known as the aurora, are collisions between electrical charged particles from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere and gaseous particles in the earth’s atmosphere. These lights are seen above the magnetic poles. Most commonly see as green clouds, these can occasionally have variation in color such as red, yellow, blue, and violet. The variation is determined by the altitude at which the particles are found and the concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen.


Gehry & Nouvel

Frank Ghery & Jean Nouvel Buildings, Chelsea, Manhattan, November 9, 2014

Frank Ghery & Jean Nouvel Buildings, Chelsea, Manhattan, November 9, 2014


Two of the first projects from well-known architects to populate the west side of Chelsea in Manhattan were buildings by Frank Gehry and Jean Nouvel. The two buildings which sit across the street from one another create an asymmetrical composition; Fluid curves juxtaposed rectilinear frames. Each project has its own sense of language and rational behavior, but each seem to contradict each other. The reflections in the façade seem to create a friendly playful dialog between the two buildings.


Azure Window

Azure Window, Gozo, September 6, 2014

Azure Window, Gozo, September 6, 2014


Was a natural limestone arch located on the island of Gozo in Malta. Locally known as “It-tieqa dat-Dwejra” is a popular tourist attraction also used as a backdrop in many films, most recently the popular series Game of Thrones, and Hugo Boss ad campaign. The formation is created by a collapse of a sea cave dating around the 19th century. Following decades of natural erosion, parts of cave collapsed. Recently (March 8, 2017) a heavy storm passed through the Maltese islands causing the freestanding structure to finally give way and collapse.